The Requiem Presents: DJ Gomez

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The Catacombs with DJ Gomez (created 7-22-13)

1. Introduction with DJ Gomez (background music by This Ascension)
2. Love is Colder Than Death- Wild World
3. Norma Loy- Power of Spirit
4. Deine Lakaien- Down, Down, Down
5. Depeche Mode- The Things You Said
6. Asylum Party- Julia
7. Xmal Deutschland- Matador
8. Linea Aspera- Fer-De-Lance
9. Pink Turns Blue- I Coldly Stare Out
10. Red Sun Revival- Last Chance
11. Apocalypse Theatre- The Diseased
12. Baroque Bordello- Today
13. The Chameleons UK- Second Skin
14. Audra- What Your Eyes Had Seen
15. Venus Walk- Strange Heaven

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