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Blackout in the Bat House :23
(Dj. Ely Bat )
1:Positive Noise- no more blood and soil
2:The Underrunners-Joyrider
3:Rule of Thirds- fingerprints
4:Play Dead- this side of heaven
5:kiss the Blade- the love I give
6:The Wake- rusted
7:Serene Fall: a bird
8:Specimen- hex 7'
9:Crashblack big Orange - Rhythms
10:Horror Vacuii-los espejos viven
11:Desenterradas- vinculos del mal
12:Pyhät Nuket-Hei Pieni Ihminen
13:Rebel Flesh-harvest
14:Lowlife-hollow gut
15:Sinking Ships - strangers

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