The podcast version of The Requiem was born Feb. 21, 2008, and has been pumping out black magic mixes ever since. The purpose of this post is to pluck out the finest gems from the vast sea of episodes and chronicle them here. While the thought of going back and listening to past episodes may seem daunting (though worth it), I believe this is a great place to start. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and not all the hidden gems are shown here, to find them, you must seek them out.
The following list (chronological order) is based on feedback from listeners, and The Count’s personal preferences.
Welcome to the Shadows!
Industrial Club Mix 4:
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While all the classic episodes (anything from 2008) hold a very special place in my heart, and represent a musically unique period of The Requiem’s history, mix #4 was my first 2 hour mix and also a turning point in my career. While the sound quality on this episode is less than desirable, it was very danceable, and caught they eye of a fellow DJ. This was the episode that allowed me the opportunity to have my own show on Faction 6 (see bellow) and to play to over 177,000 listeners.
The Descent:
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This was Episode 4 of my show Midnight Mass on Faction 6, and by far the most dramatic, mind numbing mix I’ve created. While this mix may have been a bit ambitious for me at the time, (there are several changes I would have made to truly have a masterpiece) this mix will leave you shaking!
The following was the original description:
For this episode of Midnight Mass, we embark on a journey into the most secretive and depraved underworlds of society. I will lead you from the glorious heights of the human race (EBM/Future pop) into a gradual downward spiral through pain and desolation (Helektro/Terror EBM) until our final destination, the abyss. (Noize/total chaos)
The Gothic Gentleman
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The Gothic Gentleman series aims to show the elegant side of Goth. While bleak and decadent, the more sophisticated Goths have a softer more romantic side to us as well.
Darkest Desires:
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While this episode was billed as an example of what separates the Requiem from other Industrial podcasts, it was far more than that. This was my tribute to a game that had consumed months and months of my life, and one I still live, and yearn for. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, was my first initiation into the ‘World of Darkness’ a place I longed to live and stay for eternity. The very podcast as a whole, was meant as a tribute to Vampire the Masquerade. The Requiem was meant to be Elysium of The Count, my little corner of the world of darkness. While I have never been directly connected to the VtM community, this podcast was the artistic Toreador in me offering a sanctuary to those who consider themselves kindred.
Many of the songs in this mix were taken from the game, and it continues to get played on my iPod. I even included a poem dedicated to that magical place.
Victorian Vampire: An Age of Elegance:
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With this episode I strove to capture my gentlemanly side. Will I do not get to enjoy Classical and Opera music as often as I would like, it is still a part of my life. As any sophisticated vampire would know, this mix is euphoric.
The Night’s Embrace:
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My first foray into a fully medieval and ethereal mix. I had toyed around with it before, but this mix turned out to be quite magical.
Oh My Goth!
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If The Requiem is anything, it’s Goth. Yes a large part of it could be called rivet, cyber, etc. I am and always will be goth. With this series of episodes, I set out to capture the essence of what I consider to be true Goth, in the musical sense(though the New Wave Wet Dream series was close). While there was a second episode, this was my favorite and still gets play time in my car.
A Vampire Romance:
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This Mix means more to me than anyone knows. The playlist for this episode was only slightly tweaked from a pre-existing playlist I’d had for several years. Originally created in memory of a former lover, I decided it had sat lonely and decaying long enough. As I put the final version of this together, it truly became something beautiful, a ballad for the dark romantics, an audible expression of our black love. This episode continues to swoon hearts and enhance the nights embrace even today. A moment of history frozen in time.
All Hallows Eve
Each Halloween you can expect the spookiest, danciest club mix you’ve ever heard. These epic mixes have received quite the buzz and are absolutely worth your time, especially if, for you, everyday is halloween:
All Hallows Eve 1
All Hallows Eve 2
All Hallows Eve 3
All Hallows Eve 4
All Hallows Eve 5
A Black Christmas
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Ever had a Goth Christmas? Well now you can! When the snow starts to fall, tune your headphones into this episode.
Honorable Mentions:
Faction 6:
Faction 6 was a unique podcast which boasted several DJ’s each spinning their own underground niche, and over 177,000 subscribers. I was lucky enough to be added to this podcast, though near the end of it’s life. The following are the 4 episodes (1 per month) that made it to air (I have several more that were never posted, though they may see the light of day eventually):
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Single Band Episodes:
Some bands are so incredible they deserve their own episode. This is an ongoing process, however so far these are the shows I’ve completed:
VNV Nation
Deine Lakaien
Gothic Grab Bag:
Originally know as Goth on the Go, imagine you have the gothiest iTunes library in the world, then you push shuffle. It’s kind of like that.
Check Them Out
The Darkside of Romance:
This episode is the spiritual spawn of the Vampire Romance episode so to speak. It’s a very dark yet romantic episode, and one of my favorites.
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